Wednesday was silly hats and hairdos today… way to show your spirit Manor students and teachers! #WEareHFL

Show us your silly side and creative minds! Hats off to imagination! #WEareHFL

Fiona and Evelyn lead our announcements today. Way to take a responsible risk today! #WEareHFL

Check out this week's Manor Messages: https://www.smore.com/ehj6t-manor-messages

Red Ribbon Week kicks off with “wear red” and the slogan “Drug Fee Looks Like Me” #WEareHFL #RedRibbonWeek

The District is joining students, parents, teachers, and other citizens across America in celebrating #RedRibbonWeek, the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation. For more info visit, https://www.hflcsd.org/news/what_s_new/red_ribbon_week_-_october_25th_-_29th

Our fifth graders are working on their owl observations after a visit from a great horned owl! Whooo’s excited about art? Mrs. Simpson’s class is! #WEareHFL

After waiting for over a year, our tail taggin tutors have come back to school! Francis has made reading doggone-tastic! #WEareHFL

Close reading in action! Fourth graders know how to annotate, highlight for a purpose and take notes as active readers!