We celebrate wonderment and awe all around Manor today. #WEareHFL
Our Friday is going to be spooktacular! #WEareHFL
Today is our Habits of Mind traveling assemblies. I can’t wait to see all of these students who have shown excellence with the habit of managing impulsivity!
Wednesday was silly hats and hairdos today… way to show your spirit Manor students and teachers! #WEareHFL
Show us your silly side and creative minds! Hats off to imagination! #WEareHFL
Fiona and Evelyn lead our announcements today. Way to take a responsible risk today! #WEareHFL
Check out this week's Manor Messages: https://www.smore.com/ehj6t-manor-messages
Red Ribbon Week kicks off with “wear red” and the slogan “Drug Fee Looks Like Me” #WEareHFL #RedRibbonWeek
The District is joining students, parents, teachers, and other citizens across America in celebrating #RedRibbonWeek, the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation. For more info visit, https://www.hflcsd.org/news/what_s_new/red_ribbon_week_-_october_25th_-_29th
Our fifth graders are working on their owl observations after a visit from a great horned owl! Whooo’s excited about art? Mrs. Simpson’s class is! #WEareHFL
After waiting for over a year, our tail taggin tutors have come back to school! Francis has made reading doggone-tastic! #WEareHFL
Close reading in action! Fourth graders know how to annotate, highlight for a purpose and take notes as active readers!