Band lessons practice striving for accuracy and persistence! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
band lessons in full swing
practice AND persistence makes perfect
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” This is just one question being shared during fifth - second grade buddy bingo! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
buddy bingo
buddy bingo
my send and fifth grade buddies
fifth grade buddies
Second graders in Ms. Balseca’s class are practicing self-reflection and peer feedback. Such powerful learning tools! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
my rubric
learning how to give and receive feedback
my self reflection rubric
Whether learning Capitals, Organization, Punctuation and Spacing (C.O.P.S) in second OR summary paragraphs in fifth- we are made of the WRITE stuff! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
C.O.P.S. in second grade!
writing in fifth grade
Mrs. Vitale’s fifth graders had a visit with their second grade buddies today! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
fifth and second grade buddies
our buddies are here!
fifth grade buddies
my second grade buddy
Whether we are talking about geometry or chasing spheres, Manor students really SHAPE up! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
using sketches in math
group game in PE
catch that ball!
Applying our thinking to new problems during fifth grade math. Students are keeping track of their progress and using math journals to increase their metacognition! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
thinking about our 🤔
my math journal!
math groups
personalized IReady lessons
Look who’s reading to our student during library class today- our Mrs. Hildreth is always learning alongside our students! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
reading with Mrs. Hildreth
reading with Mrs. Hildreth
reading with Mrs. Hildreth
reading with Mrs. Hildreth
Check out this week's edition of Manor Messages:
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
Fifth graders at our CSI lab today 🧐 ! #WEareHFl
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
thinking about our 🤔
Tag, you’re it… and I hope you catch all of the fun we have together! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
all together
together is better
When students and teachers take turns leading the lesson, everyone is comfortable sharing their thinking! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
Mr. Goldammer and his students
look who’s leading class today?
Mrs. George during math
Mrs. Beldner and her class
Fourth graders thinking about their thinking 🤔 ! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
partners in math
working interdependently in math
using a number line
“I’ve got this!"
Our second grade mathematicians are learning all of the ways to make 13.. How many can you think of?
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
math in action
perseverance in math
working on IReady math
math groups
We LOVE lunch! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
friends together at lunch
thumbs up to lunch
lunch time!
Our indoor recess really stacks up! #WEareHFl
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
recess really stacks up
Happy Monday!! We’re starting this week with ELA, word work, welcoming Mr. Thering and a new bike! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
Welcome back Mr.Thering!
starting the morning with ELA!
new bike coming our way!
pronoun work
It might be gloomy outside but inside recess is full of laughter and friends! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
connect four
dance break!
HF-L Fall Weekend has so much to celebrate- amazing parade, talented athletes, impressive voices and so much community- better together!! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
touchdown Cougars!
HS Marching Band Members
getting parade ready
HS Select choir at our Alumni Induction event
We are getting ready for the parade! #WEareHFL
about 2 years ago, Manor Intermediate School
parade advice
our float
parents getting ready
parade advice